ASPBAE shall –
Challenge regression in government commitments and ensure that the acceleration towards the full SDG 4 agenda is pursued and implemented. ASPBAE will continue to be attentive to promoting the SDG 4 commitments focusing on – 12 years of free, publicly funded primary and secondary education of which 9 years are compulsory; gender equality; quality education in its wider meaning and at all levels of education, including non-formal youth and adult education; promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all; youth and adult literacy; skills for life and decent work, attentive to the learning needs of marginalised youth, especially women; and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED), as in SDG 4.7.
Expand advocacy to protect education budgets and progressively increase education financing to advance the full SDG 4 education agenda, ensuring climate-saving, gender-transformative, resilient, and equitable public education systems through increased domestic resource mobilisation and tax justice measures. This includes pressing donors to expand education Official Development Assistance (ODA), challenging loan-based alternatives to close education financing gaps, and checking the unregulated drive for the privatisation and commercialisation of education.
Promote transformative education and challenge education systems and practices that exacerbate inequalities, discriminations and exclusions.
Secure and sustain institutionalised civil society participation in national, regional/sub-regional, and global education policy spaces, within a wider effort to ensure reforms in governance systems in education ASPBAE will promote defense of democratic spaces, preservation of human rights and the rule of law, and the protection of teachers, students, CSOs from assaults on their political, civic rights and overall safety.