Join the ASPBAE network
ASPBAE has two categories of members who are accepted through an application process – Member Organisations and Individual Members.
Those eligible to become Member Organisations are civil society organisations (CSOs) as follows:
- Non-governmental organisations (NGOs);
- Education campaign coalitions;
- Youth organisations, other sector-based formations, and community-based organisations engaged in work related to development and education; and
- Other institutions engaged in right to education work, and/or any form of adult learning and education, whether formal, non-formal, or informal education.
Individuals both within and outside the Asia Pacific region, who subscribe to the objectives of ASPBAE, may apply for membership.
Two other categories of members may join by invitation – Associate Members and Honorary Members.
- To apply for ASPBAE membership, the applicants should fill out the relevant ASPBAE Membership Form. Applicants for Member Organisation should attach to the completed membership application form, copies of the organisation’s brochure, latest annual reports (two years, if possible), and names of office-bearers of the organisation. Applicants for Individual Members should attach to their application form, a copy of their most recent CV.
- The application should be endorsed by a bonafide ASPBAE member in good standing (i.e. paid up in membership fees at the time of the endorsement). Applications for Member Organisations should be endorsed by an ASPBAE member organisation. Applications for Individual Member can be endorsed by either an ASPBAE individual member or member organisation.
- The membership application is referred to the Executive Council of ASPBAE which, after reviewing the application, decides on the membership application.
The ASPBAE Secretariat formally informs all those accepted into ASPBAE membership.
Membership Fees and Annual Dues are as follows (effective 1 January 2025):
- Organisations with annual turnover of $50,000 and less pay US $50/year;
- Organisations with annual turnover of over $50,000 and up to US$100,00 pay US $100/year;
- Organisations with annual turnover of over $100,000 and up to $300,000 pay $200/year;
- Organisations with annual turnover of over $300,000 pay $300/year;
- Individual members to pay a flat-rate fee of US $50 regardless of the country where the individual member is located.
Annual turnover of organisational members will be based on self-declaration. All members, both organisations and individuals, are expected to pay the annual fees within a year of joining ASPBAE as members and, henceforth, on an annual basis.
For more information on the membership process, please contact the ASPBAE Secretariat at –